Welcome Site

An introductory page to re-affirm a users purchasing decision and provide an area to house more positive SEO of common questions to increase post conversion retention.



The partner wanted a separate website to alleviate any fears or doubts from a new owner, and to provide good SEO via answering commonly searched for questions on a reputable page. I worked through several concepts of content, FAQ's, social media and blog content to allow for multiple channels of user generated content and 3rd party validation.

The key parts I ounlined in the wireframes were outbound links, so once somone had read the page they had another resource we created to read, either the marketing website, owners website or blog.


After running analytics on the pages for a few days and pushing traffic to it with a soft launch, I made the note that the social media was the least interacted with element on the page, time on page was stellar, most users were at least watching one video and reading  all of the FAQ's thoroughly the average time on page was over 6 minutes of active time. Additional modules below were designed and added in to test engagement, testimonials from owners, to promotional events and upsell messaging for new owners.



Removing the social media, and defaulting the FAQ's to be open, and shortening the videos resulted in a shorter page on time, but helped with post-conversion retention. 

© Michael Andrews 2018